Cheers to you! Cheers to me! Cheers to everyone! Tonight will be the night you toast the end of 2012 and vow “to do this” or vow to “not do that”. Perhaps you will vow that in 2013 your resolutions will finally be successful. Perhaps you will promise yourself to do better at keeping your […]
New Year's Resolutions
Weekly Inspiration
Introducing our weekly inspiration. This will be a weekly post featuring a quote or photo that is meant to provide inspiration, encouragement and be thought provoking as you embark on your journey towards wellness. Thinking about your New Year resolutions, what does the quote below mean to you? Beginning next week, this post […]
The Naughty Month
With the spirit of the holidays infecting us early (after all Christmas decorations were available before Thanksgiving), the chocolate, wine and all things unhealthy begin to seduce us. One may wonder if the month of December isn’t the true test of our good intentions: those resolutions we made at the beginning the year. Yet, others […]
Resolution Confusion: the only survival tip you’ll ever need
It’s that time of year again! Time for making resolutions. Some resolve to drink less. Some resolve to get in shape and lose weight. Others resolve to manage stress. However statistics indicate that only 64% will keep going after one month and after six months less than half of those resolutions will survive. Personally, I’ve […]