I’m curious about a lot of things. I’m the person who likes to ask “why”, which sometimes irritates my loved ones because I am always probing. However, once my curiosity is satiated, I move on to the next questioning bubble in my thoughts. My current curiosities have to do with breastfeeding and immunizations, which […]
Monday Inspiration – Change How You Are
Changing how we are sounds simple enough and yet many of us fall back into old routines, habits, and comforts. I know it happens to me, too. Changing how we are is changing how we think, perceive and act — from our personal health goals to whatever else we wish to change.
Monday Inspiration – Imagination
Does the thought of working out sometimes seem tedious? Running the same trail every other day a little lack luster? Repetition is boring. We become complacent and without challenge we fail to evolve – mentally, physically, spiritually. Today’s inspiration asks you to mix in a bit of creative fun in achieving your health goals. For instance, […]
Monday Inspiration – Doing
How many minutes of our day do we waste fretting and worrying rather than doing?
Monday Inspiration – Judging
Be honest. Do you sometimes judge others? I think we all do, even if some of us are hesitant to admit it. We judge people by what they wear, their education, their speech, and what we see on their dinner plate are just just a few examples of how we (as individuals, as groups, as […]
Monday Inspiration – Great People
Who inspires and encourages you to be who you are and more?
Cancer, Fitness and Quality of life
Guest Post by: David Haas of the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance. David has been writing and researching about the benefits of fitness while going through cancer, and also the effect that cancer support groups have on cancer patients. Exercise is known for its many health benefits, including the prevention of diseases such as diabetes, high […]
Monday Inspiration – Change
How do you view change? Do you embrace it with arms wide open? Or do you turn your back and try to keep the status quo?
Monday Inspiration – Negative Experiences
Are you able to see the experience for what it may be or is it only upon reflection? We recently took a beginning foraging class and learned that the weed, wild mustard, pictured below is edible. Prior to the class I would have figured these for pesky weeds and now I know they are […]
Monday Inspiration – Healthy Soul
How big is your “I should do that…” list?