It happens to everybody. You’re heading home after a picnic or other outdoor event, and somehow you’ve gotten dirt and grass stains on your clothes. Sometimes they wash off, other times they leave behind faint stains. How do you truly get rid of them?
You can treat them yourself, or leave them to the residential laundry service experts. You should get expert help if your clothes are dry clean only, or if you would rather not risk your favorite pair of pants. While the three treatment options below are doable, there is still a risk of fabric damage.
Ready to get your hands wet? Read on below.
Spot-treat and launder
The organic nature of dirt and grass causes them to leave behind protein stains, which are susceptible to enzyme-based treatments. Begin by rubbing an enzyme-based liquid detergent into the stain with your fingers or a soft-bristled brush, then leaving it aside for at least 15 minutes.
Next, put your clothes into the washing machine and select the appropriate cycle for your fabric type. If you don’t know what’s best, you can default to the coolest water setting. If the stain is still visible afterward, repeat the steps above. If the stain just won’t disappear, follow through with a laundry service.
Don’t dry your clothes until the stain is gone. Heat will set the stain.
Pre-soak and spot-treat
This method is particularly useful for older stains, which need extra work to break down. Begin by soaking your stained fabric in warm water saturated with all-fabric oxygen bleach. Let it soak overnight. You can soak for a few hours if you’re in a rush, but know that oxygen bleach needs time to break down tougher stains.
The next day, rinse out your fabric with cold to lukewarm water, then work an enzyme-based stain remover or liquid laundry detergent into the stain. Finish by washing. If the stain is removed to your liking, toss the fabric in the dryer. Otherwise, consider getting help from a laundry service. Multiple treatments might damage your clothes.
Use a laundry service
If you’ve tried the above and the stain is only minimally removed, or if you definitely don’t want to risk ruining your favorite pants, your best bet is to use a laundry service. There’s no reason to stress over proper treatments, even if the steps seem simple enough.
If time is another thing you’re stressing about, a laundry delivery service can save you from the mind-numbing realization that you took on more work than expected.