What do you do when face to face with the holiday buffet?
Do you circle the selection carefully deciding where to start?
Does your plate look like you are eating for two?
Whether your next function is a holiday work party, ugly sweater party, or holiday happy hour below are three tips for avoiding the holiday weight gain.
Tip 1: Network and socialize.
Mama always said, “Don’t speak with your mouth full.” So instead of taking that next bite or filling up that plate for the second time — introduce yourself and practice your networking skills. At a work function? Speak to someone outside your department. Find that hard to schedule executive and start a friendly (non-work related) conversation.
Tip 2: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
Start with water and end with water. Before pouring that glass of wine, have a glass of water. Better yet, have two! Water will help make you feel full and keep you hydrated, especially if you plan to dehydrate yourself with alcohol. Keep going back for water in-between visits to the buffet, courses, or conversations.
Tip 3: Salad here, salad there, salad everywhere!
According to the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, eating a salad or vegetables before you dig in may help you dig out of the calorie well, too. Opting for more nutritious calories over indulgent belt busting calories is always a smart choice!
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