Some do it to cross one off the bucket list. Most do it because they love running. And yet others do it for a cause: breast cancer, diabetes, leukemia and lymphoma. Completing a marathon or half marathon is an amazing experience, one that has kept me coming back for more.
Why do I do it?
I do it because there is something sexy about being able to run 10 miles as a training run.
I do it because it makes me feel good.
I do it because it is quality personal introspective time.
Whatever your reasons for running, you might be a marathoner if…
- When your server asks what you’d like to drink, you answer, “water is fine; in fact, I have my own.”
- You count your carbs. The bigger the number the better.
- All your casual shirts are dry wicking.
- You collect running shoes because they really are going out of style.
- Running through the pain isn’t as painful as a paper cut.
- You know what body glide is and how to use it.
- Salt is your new best friend.
- You cry after 20 miles not because it is an accomplishment, but because you know it isn’t your longest run.
- You get up to take a shower before your 6am run – just to wake up.
- Saint Ralph, Prefontaine, and Spirit of the Marathon are in your personal DVD collection.
Anyone can complete a half marathon or marathon but not everyone does. Training is not as difficult as you think, especially if you train with a friend. I trained for my first marathon by signing up with Team In Training.
I remember the first day my alarm went off at 5 am — on a Saturday! Surely I was crazy to get up that early on a Saturday morning to run 3 miles?!? I had my doubts. I even emailed my former sprint coach and his response, “You’re a sprinter! Sprinters don’t run distance!” Well, I did run distance and I can still sprint too! What kept me going was all the other individuals who were training with me…most for the very first time! We were all committed to fighting blood cancers and we did: one mile at a time!
To date, I’ve completed three full marathons, seven half marathons, four 5Ks and six 10Ks. And I hope to complete my fourth marathon this October at Nike Women’s Marathon supporting Leukemia & Lymphoma.
Go Team!
John La Puma MD says
Love your work, Tabitha: especially your recipes, and your spirit.
Just thought you would like to know I’m telling all of ChefMD’s Facebook page members about your writing tomorrow, 4.19.11 and your awesome Raspberry Banana Chia Smoothie recipe.
Rock on!
Tabitha says
Thank you, I really appreciate the support! This blog definitely helps me study as I complete prerequisites required for a graduate degree in nutrition. 🙂
Cathy | Treatmenttalk says
I love your post on running. I love running as well, probably won’t do a marathon, but did complete a 1/2 marathon last May. It felt great. I then stopped running for awhile and sure do miss it. You realize you can do anything you set your mind to. If your body will allow it, it’s great to keep on going. I am starting up again, will get the music going and off I go. It is one of my favorite things. Will check out your recipes. They look good!
Carolyn says
I am a half-marathoner, only because with 3 small kids, I don’t have the time to train for a full. I love the running. Love it! If only I’d known this years ago!
Tabitha says
That’s great! Which half did you run? Do your run solo or with a group?
Tabitha says
Good for you to keep on running even with three small ones! That’s amazing! Yes, training for a full does take more time and this will probably be the last one I run since we plan to start a family next year…of course, I said my last full was my last, too. :/ Do you have a favorite half?
Jeffrey Fischer says
Liked your post! Running is the best! It’s been 6 years since my marathon, and I am ready. Just got approved for the NYC Marathon in November. May do at last a half marathon race before that, though. Can’t wait!
Tabitha says
Thank you and Congrats on getting in the NYC Marathon! I’m sure there is time to do a half as a training run between now and November. Any idea of which race yet? I’m signed up for another marathon this October and am looking forward to it! (did I just write that??? 🙂 )