Last week and this past weekend was a test. A test of how well my planned mini-resolutions will hold and, literally testing my new gun. Santa came packing this Christmas and delivered me my very first shotgun. I was speechless. And yet, oddly excited at the same time.
So last week my fiancée and I opted to walk to coffee, lunch, breakfast and any other place that is within a two mile radius of where we live. We also got our hike on and went on a challenging 8 mile hike. It was a nice start to our fitness goals. This weekend we also shot trap. It was my second time with my new gun and I must admit I was pretty pleased with my improvement. As I was waiting for my turn to shoot, barrel pointed down, it occurred to me that the steps to shooting trap can relate to keeping one’s goals.
1. Safety check and prepare your shot
• When you are at the range, you keep your action open and safety on. Well same goes for goals. If your goal is to run a 10k and it’s been awhile since your running shoes have seen some action — you don’t start off with a 3 mile run. Nope. Safety check: do your shoes still fit you? Are your shoes still in good shape? Prepare your shot: Start off with a few timed runs of 20 to 30 minutes at an easy pace twice or three times a week until those become easy.
2. Align your sight
• When its your turn to shoot, you focus your sight down the barrel until your sights are evenly aligned. You shouldn’t see one poking above the other and the same goes for your goals. If your fitness goal is to walk a mile every evening after dinner, then align your sights and set up everything so that you do just that! Plan your route at MyMapWalk and get your gear ready. Set your sights by writing it down on your calendar and setting a reminder. Heck I even sometimes put a sticky note on the front door!
3. Forward motion
• Apparently, shooting is a lot easier if you lean forward! I was amazed at how much control I had over my shots when I leaned into it. And the same applies for your fitness goals! If you keep the forward motion going you’ll maintain control of your progress. But how? Keep forward motion by scheduling and spacing your workouts.
4. Go for it
• When you yell “PULL” and that orange clay pigeon comes flying out, you go for it! So when you are out there for your next walk, run or strength training workout don’t hesitate. You get yourself out that door and go for it! This weekend I went for it and started my strength training workout. It is pretty basic for now but I’m keeping myself focused and with a little forward motion I’ll be at the next level in no time.
5. Try again
• Not every shot is going to connect and the only thing to do is to try again! Not every day is going to feel like a workout day. When this happens you just try again! If the weather is really nasty and you aren’t feeling that 2 mile walk after dinner, try again by making an adjustment. For instance, switch out the walk for 15 minutes of core exercises instead!
Not every day is going to be a perfect shooting day or a perfect workout day. If you take your fitness goals, prepare safely, stay focused, schedule them in your calendar, go for it and try again, you’ll find yourself blasting those goals as easily as clay pigeons!
Oh and this weekend I was 11 for 25 — twice! Quite an improvement when you consider previously I only hit one out of twenty five!
Janene Murphy says
Great analogies and great tips, too. Thanks!
Luke says
I think this is my favorite article so far. 🙂
Patti says
What a great analogy! I know a lot of people who won’t take the shot – sometimes me. But now I will just picture a clay pigeon flying by and jump right in and at least make the attempt and then try, try again if I fail. You’re right that’s what it is all about!
Clay Traps says
Hey, I was looking for such great article! Thanks for shared
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